Thursday, October 8, 2020


100th blog post! Who would have thought I had so much to say? Well, several people know how much I have to say, especially my wife. This blog was started to share stories of my outdoor experiences and how it’s one of my main ways of connecting with God. It has been a little over four years since the first post. I am grateful for the friend who encouraged me to move forward with it, and my wife who proofreads each one to make sure I don’t sound like the grammatically challenged person I am. And thank you to everyone who reads it, shares it with your friends, and gives me feedback. I truly appreciate it! Anyway, this is not an awards ceremony; if it were, the music would have started playing after the first sentence…see, I do have a lot to say.

God’s creation of the outdoors has always attracted and impressed me - from the brilliant trinkling stars millions of miles away, to the shaded cool blades of grass, and all the magnificent and unique creatures that inhabit it. I can see the beauty in all of it (except snakes, snakes just creep me out)! The uniqueness and variety in all creatures and plants seems too perfect to just be happenstance…us humans included.

Spending time in the outdoors has really become a passion of mine. Whether it is a casual walk down the street, a hike through rolling bluffs, or hunting in any terrain, I love it! It came to mind recently, that as much as I love and appreciate the creation of the outdoors, it’s just one of the many greats on the list of things that God created. It is a majestic “thing” with grand splendor, but not as grand as the creator Himself. It is easy to get distracted and worship that one person, place, or thing we desire, but it is good to remember who gifted that to us.


The first book of the Bible is Genesis and it starts with chapter one, verse one, and it tells us:

“In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.”

“In the beginning God created…”

“In the beginning God…”


May peace be with you all.

A gift from my father

Thursday, October 1, 2020


The dirt hiking path that cut through the Superior National Forest is just wide enough for one person. The vastness of the forest engulfed us and as far as the eye could see there were trees - birch, poplar, maple, and lush pines.

We were a couple of miles into our hike and had a couple more to go. The roar of the Split Rock River was fading as we hiked deeper into the wilderness. Eventually, the only sounds to be heard were the occasional blue jay screeching, and our heavy breathing as we pushed up and over the rough terrain. Because the thick, heavy canopy of leaves overhead blocked out the sun and its heat, the ground was cool and damp. There were a couple of occasions when we reached the top of a bluff and got a glimpse through the dense canopy to see the lush treetops below us. Knowing we had miles to hike yet, we kept pressing on to complete our adventure through the huge, seemingly never-ending forest.


At one point as we stopped to catch our breath, we noticed a delicate, tiny purple flower growing through the forest floor. It was impressive how this delightful blossom made its presence in this environment.

As we hiked on a path lined with a variety of little fungi, we also observed the petite foliage and various growth underfoot.  Our pace slowed a bit as our focus shifted from conquering the lengthy hike to enjoying the many little treasures along the way.

Towards the end of the hike, we crested a peak that was clear of any trees. As we looked over the dense area below, even though none of the little treasures we just hiked through were visible from this view, we knew they were there.

Luke 12:6-7 “What is the price of five sparrow-two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hair on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid, you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”