Friday, December 22, 2017


My eyes slowly opened, and everything was blurry. After blinking a few times and rubbing the sleep from my eyes, things started to come into focus. I noticed the house was quiet. This was a rare occasion in a house with four young boys. It felt so good just lying there until it dawned on me; it’s Christmas morning; what am I still doing in bed?! I threw myself out of bed, probably yelled something at one of my brothers about it being Christmas, and flung the bedroom door open, banging it against the wall. I ran through the hallway, which seemed a lot longer back then, and headed down the stairs. The stairs were non-existent to me. I took one large leap to the first landing and then one more as I thunderously landed on the living room floor.

As I straightened up and gazed toward the Christmas tree, there it was...the best Christmas present of my youth! The metal and brass pieces glared blinding reflections of light as I cautiously walked toward it squinting my eyes. I sat on the little throne, picked up the two smooth, wooden sticks and began to play my first drum set. It was a Mickey Mouse set and I loved it! If anyone was still sleeping at that point, no one was asleep anymore.
Maybe not the exact set...but this is how I remember it

My parents had a knack for knowing what we wanted for Christmas. It was one of those things I took for granted as a kid - like how they provided food, shelter, and protection. They never seemed to think much about it, they just did it. Being a husband and father, I now understand how you just do things for those you love without thinking much about it.

Much like my parents, the woods provide many of the same conditions. Trees provide food for us and many critters of the earth. We build homes from their timber and the critters build nests within their limbs. They protect everyone from the scorching sun, heavy rains, and relentless winds. I am grateful that both my parents and the woods are a part of my life.

I'm also thankful for you, the readers of this blog! Without you, I would just be some guy hammering away on a keyboard. To show my appreciation, five of the new Timber of Faith caps will be given away. If you are interested in a cap, please comment below, or send me a message on Facebook. Your name will be placed in a drawing to distribute them. THANK YOU!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Friday, December 8, 2017


It’s that dark time of year. It’s dark when you go to work, it’s dark when you get home…it always seems to be dark. On December 21st (the Winter solstice) It will only be light for 8hrs 46min 12secs of the 24hr day. That’s a lot of darkness!

As a pre-teen I was able to find my way into plenty of trouble. On one occasion the trouble was serious enough to bring me in front of a judge. Leading up to my court date I tried to act cool and pretended like it was no big deal. Within our family it was a very big deal. My dad had to take time off work to be at court. He even cut my hair, so I wouldn’t look like a vagabond. The night before court was the longest, darkest night of my life, I didn’t sleep a wink. I laid in bed thinking about all the “what if’s”. At that age I didn’t know how to clear my thoughts and be at peace. I anxiously waited for the sun to rise. The seconds seem to tick by in slow motion. My body tossed and turned hundreds of times that night. I can vividly picture the bottom of brothers bunk from starring at it for hours and hours. Eventually the sun finally rose, and the day begun.

Fortunately, this current very dark time of year does offer many opportunities to catch a sunrise. I love watching the sunrise! A sunrise marks the fresh start to a new day. It doesn’t matter what happened earlier, currently, or what is yet to be; while watching the sunrise, nothing else matter. It’s 10 to 15 minutes of complete bliss for me. Do you have a way to find your peace?

A recent winter sunrise

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.