Wednesday, June 28, 2017


It was the summer between 5th and 6th grade, a time when life was mostly innocent.  My days were spent doing typical boy stuff; mostly riding my BMX bike everywhere and anywhere.

One particular morning, it was raining when I woke up; not my favorite way to start the day while on summer vacation. Since it was raining, I took my time getting ready. I casually ate my bowl of cereal while staring out the window and thought the rain was never going to end. After finishing my Cheerios, I decided to go biking.  What did I have to lose? I was 11 and who’d really care if I got wet? So, I jumped on my bike and off I went.

Not long after setting out, the rain let up and the sky started to clear. 
Photo credit: Steve Erb
Soon, a beautifully bright rainbow appeared in the distance.
It was huge and spanned the horizon; the brilliant colors were mesmerizing. It seemed as though the rainbow was calling to me, so I decided to see where the rainbow ended. I pedaled as fast as I could because, even though I was only 11 and didn’t know much, I did know that rainbows never lasted very long. My legs were pumping and my heart was pounding as I darted down the street, taking short cuts through alleys, crossing railroad tracks, and blazing through a field, all the time keeping the rainbow in sight. While nearing the edge of the field, the rainbow disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I stood there disappointed while trying to catch my breath. On the ride back home, I told myself, “Next time, I’ll catch it!”

Looking back, I now realize that rainbows aren’t meant for us to catch or grab, but rather a gift for us to enjoy and appreciate when they do appear.

Genesis 9:16 “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


A couple of weeks ago my wife and I went camping with friends. If you were anywhere near the upper Midwest at that time, you know it was very hot and humid, which doesn’t make for the best camping conditions, but we had planned this trip a while back and were excited to go.

We camped at Wild River State Park. The campsites were spacious and heavily wooded with large
trees that created a lush overhead canopy that shaded our tent, yet allowed for the strong breeze to weave its way through the timber.
One of the trees that helped shade out the sun

On a late morning hike, we encountered a large tree that strong winds had blown down.  It was broken right at the base of the trunk, which looked rotten, but on further investigation it was evident that a colony of insects had eaten away at the tree. I was amazed at how insects could tunnel their way through the hardwood. Our friend suggested the base of this tree was possibly damaged when it was young, which then allowed for the pests to move in. It must have taken many years, if not decades, for something that small to weaken that large of a tree and cause so much damage.
A close look at the base of the broken tree
Photo Credit:

 Are the small things in life eating away at you?

James 3:4 Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, they are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires.

Friday, June 2, 2017


Well, it’s been one month since my last blog and in my opinion, that’s about three weeks too long. I let the hustle and bustle of life distract me from something that keeps me grounded.

One of the distractions was our oldest son's graduation from college. Don’t get me wrong, that was a very important moment in his and my life; I’m very proud of his accomplishment! However, in addition to his graduation were all the things that go along with it, like driving several hours to where he attended school, loading up all his belongings to bring home, and then unloading them.  It can wear a person out!

Another distraction was having a medical procedure done that took me off my feet for several days; one that is still slowing me down a bit. Once again, it was a good thing to do, however there were several little things that came along with it.

Last week, my wife and I were talking with some friends. The topic was where are you currently at with Jesus? My answer was, “I feel disconnected from Him.” It makes total sense since I didn’t bring Jesus with me through all those things. I also know it is primarily because I hadn’t spent a lot of time outdoors during those "distractions," and outdoors is where I connect with Jesus.
This is a good place for cleansing the soul, plus there's a lot of trout!

I spent many hours outdoors this past weekend with my good friend, Scott, fly fishing. We caught 40 plus trout and released them all (Scott caught most of them). The next day I started the morning at a local park sitting on a bench praying and meditating amongst large oaks and tall pines. Leaving there I felt lighter because I took Jesus with me.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go