Friday, February 24, 2017


Part of my job is to talk to people throughout the nation. Whenever I talk to someone from the southern states and they find out I live in Minnesota, they typically ask, “how can you live up there?  It’s so cold!" or " do you ever go outside in the winter?” They’re amazed by the idea of ice fishing, downhill skiing, and the many other outdoor activities there are here. If you live in the Midwest, you may have had similar conversations.

Now, I realize some Midwestern people don’t consider themselves as outdoor enthusiasts. Thankfully, there are others who construct things that individuals can enjoy from the comfort of their car as they drive by.

The following are a few local examples:

A high school friend, Jim Gorbunow, has built many snow sculptures to help educate people about kidney health and the importance of becoming a donor. His sculptures have earned the attention of local news outlets, which is a great thing to help spread the word. Not only does Jim take full advantage of the Midwest winter, but he uses it to help bring awareness. What a guy!

Photo courtesy: Jim Gorbunow Transplant page
Photo courtesy: Jim Gorbunow Transplant page

A man in our neighborhood also came up with a creative way to have fun with the freezing temperatures.

Frozen Pants creator: Tom Grotting

There are even companies that capitalize on the freezing temperatures. Ice Castles, LLC, builds ice castles throughout the nation and Canada. They charge a fee for people to walk through and enjoy their creations. This ice castle was within 30 minutes of our home so, of course, we checked it out.

Inside the castle

Of course, some of you may like the idea our dog, Ruby, has.

These are great examples of taking advantage of whatever your current situation may be, and no matter what, don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself!

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


It was a crisp fall morning during deer hunting season (my favorite time of the year), the sun had been up for an hour and the woods were coming alive. There was just enough snow to cover the ground, which made it easier to see deep into the woods. The birds were singing and the squirrels were being squirrely when out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement on the main trail I was hunting. It was a large deer…a large buck! I quietly re-positioned myself to look straight down the trail in his direction. He slowly kept walking in my direction; just as he was about to come out of the thick woods, he left the main trail and started veering around me. He stayed in the thick woods, on a narrow path, keeping a safe distance from me. I would get a glimpse of him every 10 yards or so, until he was out of sight and safely enjoyed his day.

That was at least fifteen years ago, and I’ve learned a lot since then. For instance, when the hunting season is over and there’s snow on the ground, it’s a good time to scout for the next hunting season. The snow helps show the typical patterns of your prey. Some trails have so much traffic that the snow is worn away. Now, if one looks off the beaten path you’ll find that there is a secondary trail, one much less traveled. That secondary trail is where the wiser deer travel; they know predators typically hunt the heavily used trails.  The worn-down trail is easy to travel; everyone’s using it so it must be safe, right? But, what’s waiting for you down that trail?
Here it's easy to see what trail the deer are using.

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road the leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.