Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Oh man, the rabbits really had a reproductive spring because there sure is a bumper crop of adolescent rabbits hopping all around the neighborhood.

In years past there have always been a fair amount of rabbits around, but nothing like this year. You see, typically mother rabbits would build their nest within the confines of our fenced in backyard where our yellow lab, Ruby, spends a lot of time. The first litter usually didn’t make it very long, but mother rabbit would try again, in our fenced in yard...again. Ruby thought these were the greatest gifts ever! 

However, this year mother rabbit caught on and actually built her nest outside Ruby’s fenced in area of the yard; poor Ruby, lucky rabbits. While doing yard work early this spring, I noticed a clump of grass piled up under a plant that had no business being there. While crouching down to remove the grass I noticed movement within the pile and realized it was a rabbit nest. I took a quick picture and turned to walk away. As I did, I noticed mother rabbit keeping watch from the neighbor’s yard.

After doing some research, I learned mother rabbits don’t “sit” on their nest. The majority of the time they keep watch from a distance and only visit to bring food or to distract predators. To the babies it may seem like they’re alone most of the time, but the mother is constantly watching over them, protecting them from afar. This reminded me that even though I can’t physically see God, I know he’s always watching over me.

Genesis 28:15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go…
Psalm 128:8 The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.