Wednesday, July 20, 2016


The thought crossed my mind to find out what the oldest tree in the world is…and now you’re probably wondering what it is, too. So, of course, I turned to the internet. The internet is usually pretty reliable; not 100% accurate, but a good place to start. As I starting typing “world’s oldest tree,” pictures of towering Redwoods came to mind.  You know, the huge trees big enough to carve a tunnel through their trunk to fit a car.
Nope, not the Redwood.
Maybe, a majestic oak with its hardwood trunk and branches; surely that could withstand the test of time.
Nope, not the oak either.
Finally, the internet showed the results of the ‘world’s oldest tree”…the bristlecone pine. It wasn’t big and bad like I was expecting; it was twisted and kind of messy looking. The name alone didn’t sound very powerful. Bristlecone, the name seems more fitting for a hair brush. Pine trees are typically a softer wood and don’t usually hold up well to abuse.
However, there it is, the Bristlecone Pine at almost 5,000 years old.
In order to survive tough times in life, one usually thinks of needing to be big and strong, towering with power and poise. That’s not always the case. Yes, there are times when physical strength alone is beneficial.  A few situations that come to mind are dragging a whitetail deer out of the woods, canoeing to a great fishing spot, or opening that jar of salsa.  At the end of the day (or  5,000 years), sometimes we feel a little soft on the inside, need to be a bit more flexible, and even though things look messy at times, that’s where God wants us at the moment.
Matthew 5:7-8 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.


  1. Wow, this is awesome! I am reminded of the roots that support this tree. It looks messy on the outside, but just like us, when our Faith is rooted in grounded in Christ, we may bend, we may sway, we may bow, but we won't break. Just like the tree planted by the rivers of water.......thank you for this strong and gentle reminder!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Audrey! It means a lot to hear that Gods message is coming through the blog.

  2. Bryon, I love your blogs! They always give me a sense that everything will be okay. Your posts make me see things in a different light and remind me of God's wonders and how he has a plan for all of us. For this, I thank you my friend!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa!!! It is humbling to hear how the blog affects people.

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